FilmProposals Affiliate Program | Business Plan Tools for Films

FilmProposals Affiliate Program

Help Indie Filmmakers works with a select few other top tier film websites using a revenue sharing model for our Film Financing Products.

About the Affiliate Program

Film Proposals sells 3 Film Financing Toolkits that combine our various products, offering a discount. Our sales history shows over 95% of our customers purchase the Silver Package, for $139. The current commission structure is 40% to affiliates for all financing packages. There is no commission for individual products.

How it Works

All Affiliates must be manually approved by FilmProposals. If you are interested in the program, please contact us with your website, background and a few thoughts on how you will promote the program. We reserve the right to terminate any affiliate relationship at any time for non compliance.

  1. Contact FilmProposals with above info
  2. Sign Up with E-Junkie
  3. Review the products
  4. Endorse the products on your site
  5. Put images and text with your affiliates links on your site
  6. Contact FilmProposals for review
  7. Cookies good for 6 months
  8. Payments made by the 10th of the following month via Paypal

We use E-Junkie for secure digital delivery and to manage our affiliate program. It takes a few minutes to set up an account with them. Join the FilmProposals Affiliate Program! If the link does not work, please copy this into your browser:

All you need to do is sign up with EJunkie and put some of the graphics, links and text on your site. EJunkie will provide your specific link directly to FilmProposals and track all sales. The cookie is good for 6 months, making it one of the best programs in the industry.

You can read more details about EJunkie Affiliate Programs. “Clicking your Hop Link sets a cookie in the buyer's browser which expires in 6 months, then we redirect them to the seller's page. Every affiliate-eligible product that buyer purchases from that seller during the life of that cookie will earn you a commission, even if they go back to the seller's site directly later without clicking through your link again.”

How to Implement on your Site

I work with each affiliate individually to structure how the products will be promoted on your site, in your newsletter, or elsewhere. However, it’s YOUR endorsement that makes the difference in sales conversion.

We do NOT want any blinking banners or ads in the corner of the page, as they rarely convert. Your authentic review of the materials will go miles…for example, Business Plan Template.

Of course, it has to be real, so if you don’t think the materials are good, then by all means, I would love to improve them! For a complimentary review of the materials, please sign up for the EJunkie FilmProposals Affiliate Program and then contact FilmProposals with your website, contact information and suggestions for the placement on your site. FilmProposals is open to offering a discount code to special partners for their subscribers - especially if you are just launching and sending a newsletter blast.

FilmProposals Images and Video to Use on Your Site

Don't forget to link all images back to FilmProposals with YOUR E-Junkie affiliate link.

Film Financing Package

Film Financing Toolkit - Take a Tour!

FilmProposals Text to Use on Your Site

Independent Film Financing Business Packages - Get a huge advantage over other Filmmakers Using Our Tools.

For more specific product information, please see:

Please feel free to use portions of the text on any of the above pages.

FilmProposals Customer Quotes

Remember to change any links to your E-Junkie affiliate links

  • "I could have saved myself $1,000-$2,000 in attorney fees by using this software! The information here is extremely valuable to an independent filmmaker looking to present themselves in a professional, compelling manner to potential investors."
  • "As it turned out, the business plan WAS the hardest thing I've ever done, but with the tools in the package, it made it much less stressful and the more I got into it, I thought to myself - YES!!! - thank god someone knows what they're doing..."
  • "I am an independent producer preparing projections for investors. I found your program one of the few available online that is actually useful"
  • "Both the proposal for indies and the template for profit projections proved to be invaluable tools in putting together my proposal package."
  • "I have produced commercials, documentaries and corporate videos but never Indie films... the concise manual does deliver and provide all the necessary information, tools and resources...."
  • I'm now sending out my completed business plan/film proposal document to potential investors and the one comment I'm getting back almost immediately is that it's so well laid out and professional. Believe me, first impressions really do count."

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While our FilmProposals Bundles & Toolkits will save you hundreds of hours with prewritten text and templates and speed up your learning curve by showing you how to complete complicated financial projections, there is still a lot of information to process. We designed this FREE Film Business Plan Course to be sent once per week to break the process of writing your business plan into manageable pieces, and to keep you accountable and focused. In case you can't see the sign up form, try here.

FilmProposals - 2025 Financing Toolkits & Bundles

DIY Toolkits, Legal & Finance Service Bundles
See All Financing Toolkits, Financing Bundles & Film Legal Packs

Gold Toolkit + Financials Bundle

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Coming Through the Rye

Just want to thank you for your materials and help over the past year. I could not have raised the $1.5 million or made this film without the materials you provided. The bargain of my career!
- James Sadwith, Producer, Writer, Director, Coming Through the Rye

Inside Sportfishing

Finished my deck on Friday. Got it into a few potential investor’s hands over the weekend, and by Monday had 3 out of the 10 available memberships spoken for at $160K each. The revenue projections and film comparable services by NASH, along with the business plan and pitch deck templates were instrumental in presenting the project in such a way that financially minded potential investors could understand the movie business, the market and how my project could possibly give them a substantial ROI.

Melissa was amazing throughout the entire process. Always there to answer any questions. Couldn’t have done it without you guys. Can’t thank you enough. Best money I’ve ever spent.
- Michael F, Executive Producer, Inside Sportfishing (Gold + Financials Bundle)