FilmProposals Contact Us Form | Independent Film Financing

Filmproposals Contact Us Form

FilmProposals Business Only Form

I love to hear from FilmProposals site visitors. As much as I'd love to answer every question received personally, I am just one person, so I do my best to answer all questions on the site. Here are some of the top questions and ways to be answered on FilmProposals:

Promotion and Advertising on FilmProposals

Do you want to promote your latest film pitch, movie or service to a huge global network of filmmakers, producers, directors, potential investors and distributors? Check out our Advertise Your Business and Promote Your Movie pages. This section is also for sponsored or guest posts and will be coded according to Google guidelines.

Advertise on FilmProposals

Promote Your Movie on FilmProposals

Another way to be featured on FilmProposals is to offer value Indie Filmmaker Tips and we give you tons of ideas and ways to promote yourself on FP. We have pretty specific guidelines, but if you follow them, you can have permanent, free advertising on Filmproposals.

If you'd like to write about a topic other than Film Financing, please check out our other Guest Post Services.

Looking for Film Investors?
If you are NOT a FilmProposals customer, we wish you the best of luck and encourage you to read this article.

Frequently Asked Questions Page
Over 90% of submissions we receive fall into this category and do not receive responses, as the answers are already on FilmProposals.

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Still have a question? Please Submit It by Clicking This Link

FilmProposals PRIVATE Submission Form

We welcome film investors, business contacts, advertisers, partnerships, our Business Plan customers (or potential customers) and anything else not addressed on this page or website and we look forward to hearing from you.

FilmProposals Contact Form

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10 Things You MUST Do To Attract Film Investors

10 Things You MUST Do To Attract Film Investors

We consider this THE MOST important article on this site. The 10 Things You MUST Do To Attract Film Investors have been cultivated over 16 years in the film industry and being able to work with 1000's of filmmakers. Our experience allowed us to analyze and learn from those who have achieved success and made their indie film vs. those we never hear from again. We lay out all the crucial steps to set you up to be the former - the successful indie filmmaker. Never contact a film investor until you've read this article.

Additional Articles:

Really, DO NOT Ask Us for Money

You know that saying, 'There's no such thing as a stupid question'? It is completely incorrect. Here are examples of stupid questions we receive on a daily basis:

  • "I have a great idea of movie and want to sell. Basically the idea is about vampires. Are you interested?"
  • "i have superb script nd m really intrested to make a movie so plz help me finance"
  • "have justed finished off with a screenplay. My question to you is do you wanna help me finance it. I can send it to you in case you are interested."
  • "Thanks connecting on Linked In. You betcha I'm looking for funding! How can you help?"

Don't be one of these fools. We have 1200+ pages on the Filmproposals website teaching you how to get financed. We also have our own customers to whom we provide extra planning, advice and funding.

While our FilmProposals Bundles & Toolkits will save you hundreds of hours with prewritten text and templates and speed up your learning curve by showing you how to complete complicated financial projections, there is still a lot of information to process. We designed this FREE Film Business Plan Course to be sent once per week to break the process of writing your business plan into manageable pieces, and to keep you accountable and focused. In case you can't see the sign up form, try here.

FilmProposals - 2025 Financing Toolkits & Bundles

DIY Toolkits, Legal & Finance Service Bundles
See All Financing Toolkits, Financing Bundles & Film Legal Packs

Gold Toolkit + Financials Bundle

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Coming Through the Rye

Just want to thank you for your materials and help over the past year. I could not have raised the $1.5 million or made this film without the materials you provided. The bargain of my career!
- James Sadwith, Producer, Writer, Director, Coming Through the Rye

Inside Sportfishing

Finished my deck on Friday. Got it into a few potential investor’s hands over the weekend, and by Monday had 3 out of the 10 available memberships spoken for at $160K each. The revenue projections and film comparable services by NASH, along with the business plan and pitch deck templates were instrumental in presenting the project in such a way that financially minded potential investors could understand the movie business, the market and how my project could possibly give them a substantial ROI.

Melissa was amazing throughout the entire process. Always there to answer any questions. Couldn’t have done it without you guys. Can’t thank you enough. Best money I’ve ever spent.
- Michael F, Executive Producer, Inside Sportfishing (Gold + Financials Bundle)