Can You Help Me Find Film Investors? How Do I Find Film Investors?

Will You Help Me Find Film Investors?

How to find Film Investors

Can You Help Me Find Film Investors is a question we are asked AT LEAST once per day. If you're convinced you can take the lazy approach to finding film investors by searching the internet and emailing people with something like, "I have a great project, email or call me," you are not even close to ready to secure film financing. We offer over 100 sources of film financing and film investors on this site, as well as the tools you need to make your financial case to Independent Film Investors. We do not accept any unsolicited requests for money. As you can imagine, that is not a sustainable business model for any company. There are far more film projects looking for investments than there are dollars to invest.

If you have time for only one article today then THIS is the one to read. The 10 Things You MUST Do To Attract Film Investors have been cultivated over 23 years in the film industry and being able to work with 1000's of filmmakers. Our experience allowed us to analyze and learn from those who have achieved success and made their indie film vs. those we never hear from again. We lay out all the crucial steps to set you up to be the former - the successful indie filmmaker. Never contact a film investor until you've read this article.

Another article that might help you is this one about really understanding the dynamics of the business of film investing .

The only time FilmProposals assists Independent Film Makers with securing Investors, is on a case by case basis, with our Business Plan Service customers. We consider ourselves an objective third party when helping Film Makers with their Business Plans, and analyze projects only from a financial perspective. We only connect filmmakers with our network of potential investors after we have carefully reviewed their financials, estimates and business plans, which is a paid FilmProposals service.

We wish you the BEST of luck with your Independent Film!

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While our FilmProposals Bundles & Toolkits will save you hundreds of hours with prewritten text and templates and speed up your learning curve by showing you how to complete complicated financial projections, there is still a lot of information to process. We designed this FREE Film Business Plan Course to be sent once per week to break the process of writing your business plan into manageable pieces, and to keep you accountable and focused. In case you can't see the sign up form, try here.

FilmProposals - 2025 Financing Toolkits & Bundles

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Coming Through the Rye

Just want to thank you for your materials and help over the past year. I could not have raised the $1.5 million or made this film without the materials you provided. The bargain of my career!
- James Sadwith, Producer, Writer, Director, Coming Through the Rye

Inside Sportfishing

Finished my deck on Friday. Got it into a few potential investor’s hands over the weekend, and by Monday had 3 out of the 10 available memberships spoken for at $160K each. The revenue projections and film comparable services by NASH, along with the business plan and pitch deck templates were instrumental in presenting the project in such a way that financially minded potential investors could understand the movie business, the market and how my project could possibly give them a substantial ROI.

Melissa was amazing throughout the entire process. Always there to answer any questions. Couldn’t have done it without you guys. Can’t thank you enough. Best money I’ve ever spent.
- Michael F, Executive Producer, Inside Sportfishing (Gold + Financials Bundle)