FilmProposals Film Budget Template Questions | Ultra Low, Low

FilmProposals Film Budget Template Questions

SAG Ultra Low or Low?
Film Budget Template

Hi - FilmProposals is a great resource! Just wanted to check a few things pre-purchase, specifically about your FilmProposals Budget Template.

1. At what level is this sample budget? SAG Low? Ultra Low?

2. Does this budget, template, etc cater to sub $500K indies shooting out of state, for example?

3. Are the sales projections updated annually based on real-world data from sales/distro channels? ie. When was the last update for bid/ask on say a thriller genre movie in the $1M production budget range?

Thanks! - MC

FilmProposals Film Budget Template Answers

Hi MC.

Sample Film Budget Template Worksheet

Our Sample Film Budget Template Worksheet, offered with select Film Financing Toolkits and Bundles is provided to help indie producers estimate their movie production costs. The movie sample budget template is a great starting point to demonstrate film negative costs required for the financial projections and business plans used to secure movie investors.

Let's go through your questions:

1. At what level is this sample budget? SAG Low? Ultra Low? - Our budget template can accommodate almost any budget and this is the template you would use to determine the type of SAG category into which your budget falls. All of our templates can be used whether or not you use SAG talent in your film.

When you refer to Micro-Budget (<$20K), Ultra Low (<$300K), Moderate Low (<$700K) and Low (<$2M) (numbers as of 2023, please check SAG for current budget definitions), that is the agreement that determines how you pay your SAG talent and has nothing to do with your independent investors. Whether your budget falls under Low, Ultra Low or any other category is determined by using this template and seeing your estimated budget. From there you can determine what you will be required to pay your SAG actors and can easily add in your pay scale.

2. Does this budget, template, etc cater to sub $500K indies shooting out of state, for example? The template can be used for almost any budget and there are fields for tax deductions and incentives. "Out of State" shooting doesn't necessarily correlate to any specific budget field - but how you use travel expenses or state incentives does get taken into account in our budget template.

3. Are the sales projections updated annually based on real-world data from sales/distribution channels? ie. When was the last update for bid/ask on say a thriller genre movie in the $1M production budget range? - This question probably relates more to our Film Financing Projections Template (different than the budget template). The Budget is used as one of the input fields into the projections template. There are no bid/ask offers on any of our templates - we use real world percentages (a typical foreign distribution percentage, or SVOD percentage, for example). For sales projections based on comparable films, we offer our own custom Indie Film Database with over 470 films that includes all the fields you need to analyze comparable films and determine your potential revenue projections.

MC - I hope this helps answer your questions. Thanks!!!!

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While our FilmProposals Bundles & Toolkits will save you hundreds of hours with prewritten text and templates and speed up your learning curve by showing you how to complete complicated financial projections, there is still a lot of information to process. We designed this FREE Film Business Plan Course to be sent once per week to break the process of writing your business plan into manageable pieces, and to keep you accountable and focused. In case you can't see the sign up form, try here.

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