Pitching Film Investors | Best Scripts So They WANT to Close the Deal

Pitching Film Investors

How to Close the Deal and Get Financed
Pitching Film Investors

Pitching film investors can be a challenge if you are not prepared. Here we learn practical tips, proven fundraising language, how to instill confidence in your investors, even if you've never made a film before, and exactly which industry sources to use to make an impact on film investors and have them want to write you a check on the spot.

How to Make an Indie Film Pitch Deck

Making an Indie Film Pitch Deck is quite simple once you have completed your business plan. Much like the Executive Summary of a Movie Business Plan, the pitch deck is completed after the detailed work is done and is meant to be a high level overview of your project. Our Indie Film Pitch Deck has proven time and again to impress interested potential investors and have them ask for more details on the project. As we have been creating these decks since 2002, we know what works and what doesn't.

Read about our Indie Film Pitch Deck Template and insider tips to lead your potential investors to the next step.

How to Make an Indie Film Pitch Deck

Top of Pitching Film Investors

Film Pitch Package - Secret Tips to Pitching the Unpitchable

Crafting the ideal Film Pitch Package is as much of an art as it is a science, but unlike your film, your pitch can and should be unique to each audience member. Imagine if every audience member of your film could choose their own ending - that is exactly what you get to do with your film investment pitch package. In this article, we use advice from a world renowned, Shark Tank Investor, multi million dollar generating entrepreneur and business person, Sabri Suby. If Sabri gets paid to teach top luxury brands to sell to their target market, much of which will overlap with yours, then let's use the best practices we know work.

Learn More: Film Pitch Package | Secrets to Pitching the Unpitchable

Film Pitch Package

Top of Pitching Film Investors

Film Proposal Example Value Proposition

Having a strong Film Proposal Example Value Proposition is essential in capturing the attention of investors, distributors, audiences and anyone else who might contribute to the success of your film. A compelling value proposition not only highlights the unique aspects of your film project, but demonstrates its potential for success.

Read on if you want to be crystal clear on why someone should invest in or watch your film!

Film Proposal Example Value Proposition

Top of Pitching Film Investors

How to Pitch Film Investors

How to Pitch to Film Investors

You've prepared for and found film investors. They were excited to learn about your offer via the compelling business plan you wrote and now, you actually have a meeting scheduled. Learn what to say, how to say it, and how to instill confidence in your investors, even if you've never made a film before. Make them want to write you a check by learning How to Pitch to Film Investors.

Top of Pitching Film Investors

Pitching a Location Letter to Film Investors

Pitching a Location Letter to Film Investors

Location. Location. Location. This is something we hear in the real estate world, but the same holds true in the world of independent film – film locations are an important selling tool. A strong location can not only add great production value to your film but also become a key selling point when correctly pitching a Location to Film Investors

Top of Pitching Film Investors

For Film Investors: Why to Invest in Movie Production

Why to Invest in Movie Production

Now it's time to speak with authority using all the information you can compile that is usually directed at Film Investors. You want to show potential investors all the industry information you can find from reputable and authoritative industry sources. This demonstrates you are looking out for your investors best interests, as well as your own, and you've saved them the time and trouble of doing research on their own.

These articles are all geared towards film investors - and they attract film investors daily looking for films in which to invest. You'll want to familarize yourself with all the tips and expertise we provide Film Investors so you can learn more about what they think when looking for a solid film investment.

Quotes and tips or reprints from these and other articles should already be in your business plan (they are certainly in our Business Plan Template), which is a big part of how you got the investors to the table in the first place, but now you need to be fluent enough to speak to film investors on their level.

Put yourself in an investor mindset and figure out how to tailor your pitch to them at How to Invest in Movies - Film Investor Primer

Top of Pitching Film Investors

Pitching Film Investors Tip Sheet

Film Investor Tip Sheet

Our film investor tip sheet is filled with top tips from successful producers, industry experts and film financiers. We do not want our secrets to pitching film investors getting out to everyone. Only those very serious about making their films have access to our film investor tips and tricks.

Find out more about how to download our Film Investor Tip Sheet, compiled from leading industry experts.

Top of Pitching Film Investors

Pitching Film Investors

Pitching Film Investors

Film Investor Guide

Film Investor Guide

While our FilmProposals Bundles & Toolkits will save you hundreds of hours with prewritten text and templates and speed up your learning curve by showing you how to complete complicated financial projections, there is still a lot of information to process. We designed this FREE Film Business Plan Course to be sent once per week to break the process of writing your business plan into manageable pieces, and to keep you accountable and focused. In case you can't see the sign up form, try here.

FilmProposals - 2025 Financing Toolkits & Bundles

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Coming Through the Rye

Just want to thank you for your materials and help over the past year. I could not have raised the $1.5 million or made this film without the materials you provided. The bargain of my career!
- James Sadwith, Producer, Writer, Director, Coming Through the Rye

Inside Sportfishing

Finished my deck on Friday. Got it into a few potential investor’s hands over the weekend, and by Monday had 3 out of the 10 available memberships spoken for at $160K each. The revenue projections and film comparable services by NASH, along with the business plan and pitch deck templates were instrumental in presenting the project in such a way that financially minded potential investors could understand the movie business, the market and how my project could possibly give them a substantial ROI.

Melissa was amazing throughout the entire process. Always there to answer any questions. Couldn’t have done it without you guys. Can’t thank you enough. Best money I’ve ever spent.
- Michael F, Executive Producer, Inside Sportfishing (Gold + Financials Bundle)

FilmProposals Tools and Templates

FilmProposals Business Plan Templates